BUDS: Green Leaf Mission
Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler could play two best friends with opposite personalities: one is funny, optimistic and impulsive (Carrey), while the other is calm, practical and easily frightened (Sandler). This contrast could create some hilarious situations when they run the GREEN LEAF store together
BUDS 2025
Despite running a legitimate business, the two main characters could get into trouble with local authorities or conservative police who do not want the GREEN LEAF store in their neighborhood. The situations of evasion, bribery and mind games could add drama to the film.
Their store could attract all kinds of strange customers, from curious old men, stay-at-home moms trying it for the first time, to famous rappers and businessmen looking to “chill out” after work. Each customer brings a different humorous story.
The two main characters may accidentally clash with a mafia gang or a large GREEN LEAF corporation, who want to monopolize the market and do not accept the appearance of a small retail store like theirs. This can create unexpected situations when both have to find a way to protect their store.
Besides the humorous element, the film can exploit the story of friendship, life and unfinished dreams of the two main characters. Through many challenges, they can realize the true value of friendship and find a new direction in life.
GREEN LEAF by the curiosity of young audiences. Here are some hypotheses of the movie we put forward, this movie has not announced a release date yet.